No one other than Apple can drum up major excitement over a color change for its devices. Announced just three days ago, the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus got a minor update in a limited edition (PRODUCT) RED color. We were fortunate enough to get our hands on the all new iPhone 7 Plus and have plenty of pictures to show you the new color in all its glory.
If you already have an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, you certainly don’t need an upgrade in color as it will do nothing for the performance of your device. However, if you have been waiting for a new phone, the Red might be the right color for you. Red is now an option for both iPhones, but you can only get them in 128GB or 256GB options. Your starting price will be $749 for the 7 and $869 for the 7 Plus. A portion of every (PRODUCT) RED product sold by Apple contributes to the Global Fund to support HIV/AIDS programs. This has been a hugely successful partnership as Apple has now donated over $130M over the past 10 years. It’s a fantastic cause and hopefully will stimulate conversations about giving back when people ask about the (RED) iPhone. All internal specs are identical to the current generation iPhones.
Check out the images below. If you’d like to get your own (RED) iPhone or Apple Watch, head on over to to learn more.