Here’s the different ways to watch Game of Thrones Season 7

After a long wait, we are happy to say that the airing date of 16th July is almost upon us for the 7th season of Game of Thrones. The easiest way to watch the episodes is through your TV. You get the episodes live and in good quality, but unfortunately, not everyone has the HBO channel.

Here’s how you can watch the latest episodes, either live or slightly delayed. Keep in the mind that the cheaper the method, the more of a delay there will probably be from when the episode was live.

Subscribe to cable and login with HBO Go

This may go against your best intentions, but it really is one of the easiest and best ways to watch the season. Read on if this doesn’t tick your boxes.

Subscribe to HBO Now without Cable and stream anywhere, anytime

Again, this involves signing up to HBO and paying a monthly fee. You can, however, get your first month free if you wish to watch the first few episodes live. An advantage of this is that you do not need TV and that you can watch anywhere, anytime.

Download episodes on Amazon, Google Play or iTunes

If HBO isn’t your thing, you can download the episodes as they air from your device’s app store, albeit it for a fee. The only downside to this is that the episodes will likely not be available at the time of release, meaning that you can’t watch them live like your HBO homies.

Pirate episodes of Game of Thrones

While we don’t support pirating, this may be your last bet at watching the episodes. Because Game of Thrones is a popular series, there will likely be video files on torrent sites very shortly after the episode is aired, meaning that you shouldn’t have to wait too long before being able to watch the episodes. There’s no guarantee that the files will be good quality or even legit files, so be warned. Also, you shouldn’t pirate content, but that’s something you know, of course.

Wait for the DVD or Blu-Ray Collections

If time isn’t an issue and you’d rather have a nice set of physical DVD’s, then you should consider waiting for the entire season to come out in DVD. This is expensive and certainly not the quickest way to get your hands on the 7th season. This also makes a nice gift.

Here’s the official season 7 trailer, if you haven’t seen it already:


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