They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If you believe in that cliche, then the Bitmoji app might just be what you’ve been looking for.
Bitmoji, launched in November 2015 by Bitstrips, lets you create an expressive and adorable cartoon avatar that looks almost creepily like you. From there, your avatar is placed into a huge variety of comic-like images which you can insert into texts, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, Slack and more.
Creating Your Avatar
When you first open the app, you’ll be able to choose between two styles of emoji to get started: Emoji Style and Bitstrips Style. You can choose one or the other, or create avatars in both styles and switch later on.
I personally like the Bitstrips style better, because I think it looks more like myself. From there, you can customize your avatar using different hair styles, face shapes, accessories and more. There are so many options to choose from, it’s almost impossible to feel as if you can’t find your look. Plus, you can always go back and change your features to get closer to perfection.
Once you’re happy with how your face looks, you can start choosing your outfit. The options seem endless, and you can browse different looks from seasonal clothing and casual wear to athletic outfits and funny costumes. The clothing options are constantly being updated, so your Bitmoji can always be caught up with the latest trends.
Using Your Bitmoji
Ah yes, the best part. After you’re satisfied with how your avatar looks, it will be automatically inserted into a huge selection of Bitmoji. They are split into sections based on how you’re feeling, from happy or sad to sassy, affectionate, or angry. There’s also a “popular” section to store the Bitmoji you like to use most.
Users can turn on the Bitmoji keyboard from their device’s keyboard settings menu in order to access Bitmoji as a new keyboard while typing. It comes with a search bar so that you can easily find Bitmoji that match the particular feeling you or saying you want to express. All you need to do is tap on a Bitmoji to select and copy it, and then paste it into the message field before sending. Besides texts, the Bitmoji keyboard is also compatible with Slack, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat or wherever else you chat.
After Snapchat bought Bitstrips in March 2016 for reportedly $100 million, users can insert Bitmoji directly into snaps and chats. In addition to Snapchat’s own stickers, users can go to the “sticker” icon and type into the Bitmoji search bar to find just the right Bitmoji to add to their photo. All you have to do is link your Snapchat account to your Bitmoji app, and your little avatar will be ready to use.
Final Thoughts
I love the Bitmoji app because it’s fun and unique — the thing about Bitmoji that sets it apart from traditional emoji is personality. There is a Bitmoji to express whatever you are feeling at any given time by using various phrases, positions, facial expressions, props and meme references. So instead of just texting someone a response, you can send them a Bitmoji that will better express what you’re saying and how you want to say it instead. If there’s something you want to say, you can bet that the Bitmoji app has a thousand ways to say it.