Intel recently announced the release of its 8th generation Core processors. The new generation of chips will see up to a 40 percent boost in speed compared to the current 7th generation Kaby Lake chips. The popular Dell XPS 13 line will be one of the first laptops to showcase the new processor. This comes at a blow to me on a personal level because I recently purchased a Dell XPS 13 about two months ago. This is what I get for not being patient. Click here to see a list of the models who will get the processor update.
According to The Verge, the 8th generation Intel chips will be phased in starting September 12th with the i7 model. The i5 model will updated around in October. The Core i7 will have speeds up to 4 GHz, while the Core i5 model will have speeds up to 3.4 GHz.
This will be the only major update to the XPS line. You’ll still have the option to choose between the FHD model (1920 x 1080) or the QHD model (3200 x 1800). The Dell XPS can be upgraded to have a max of 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB of SSD storage. Look out for our Dell XPS review coming to our readers soon!