Samsung’s biggest and baddest smartphone of 2017 is the Galaxy Note 8. It comes with all of the latest hardware crammed into a beautiful package with a 6.3″ display. If you don’t know or don’t remember the specs, here are some of its highlights: Snapdragon 835, first Samsung phone with a dual camera setup, 6GB RAM, 64GB internal storage expandable via microSD, USB-C with a 3.5mm audio jack and an IP68 water and dust resistance rating. Samsung announced that a new color is arriving in the US on Nov. 16th, Deepsea Blue which might be the best looking out of the lineup. Currently only Black and Orchid Gray are available for purchase through Samsung, T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint and Verizon.
The color is bright and shiny and is a nice option for those of you who are tired of the other color options. The new color will only be available at Samsung, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and Best Buy. It looks like Samsung didn’t think T-Mobile was cool enough for the Deep Sea Blue.