65 QHD 2K Black and White photography wallpapers for the iPhone X, Pixel 2, LG V30, Galaxy S8, S8+ and Note 8

If you have a new high-end smartphone from 2017, there’s a high chance it has a fantastic display. Flagship models from Samsung, Apple, LG and Google all come with OLED displays – OLED is capable of putting out incredible, almost immeasurable, levels of contrast ratios that LCD panels can’t match. Contrast ratio is the ratio of the highest amount of lighting to the lowest amount and a high ratio is desirable in any display.

Black and white photography captures the essence of contrast ratio. It has high levels of white with a black and gray-scale that are accentuated on the flagships of 2017. In order to take advantage of your display capability, we’ve gathered 65 incredible QHD black and white photos that are perfect to use as your backgrounds. In order to offload the space on our servers, we’ve uploaded the images to a free public library and Google Photos so anyone can access them for free. Enjoy the images and feel free to use them on your tablets, computers and televisions as a source of artistic inspiration.

Click here to view and join the free collection of 65 QHD Black and White photography wallpapers 

Here’s a small sample of what’s in the collection.

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