Close up pictures of the Silver Apple iPhone X

A brand new era for the iPhone started with the latest iPhone X. Steve Jobs and Apple revolutionized the smartphone with the first iPhone and are now looking to model future devices based on the X which was just released in October. The ten moved away from the design Apple has been using for several years now with the 8 and 8 Plus and did away with the home button and went almost entirely bezel free. Apple crammed a massive 5.8″ display into a smaller package than the iPhone 8 Plus, included wireless charging, a beautiful and detailed OLED display and Facial ID which unlocks the phone by scanning your face. It added all of these features in one of the best looking builds ever to come out of Cupertino.

If you want to see just how great the iPhone X is, you need to check out the images below. It’s our favorite iPhone of 2017 and only Samsung has devices that look anywhere close to this good.

Check out the images below.

Apple managed to do away with all excess details on the back of the phone and left it with just the iPhone name.
No headphone jack here. Just beautiful polished steel that gives the iPhone an incredible feel in hand.
More polished steel with the volume rocker and mute switch.
iPhone X power button that is a little longer than on the 8 and 8 Plus.
Close up of the iPhone X dual camera.
The details on this phone are incredible. The polished steel looks fantastic.
All glass front on the iPhone X. Almost no bezels.
iPhone X next to the Panda Google Pixel 2 XL.

If you want to get your hands on an iPhone X, head on over to, Target or Best Buy.

10 great wallet cases for the iPhone X

10 Qi Wireless chargers that are perfect for the iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X

10 Lightning headphones for the Apple iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X


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