Circle with Disney is the best way to keep your children safe while they’re online

Growing up today is a whole different world than it was 30 years ago when I was a kid. 30 years ago, when I was just seven years old, there was no internet. I had a pen pal (if you don’t know what that is, click here to go to Wikipedia) to communicate with the world that existed outside of my walls. The most advanced piece of technology I owned was an 8-bit Nintendo. Today’s kids can be exposed to an entirely different world with just one click of a button on a tablet, smartphone or computer. For most parents, that’s a scary reality. There is a solution to helping to monitor your kid’s online usage and it is called Circle with Disney.

Circle with Disney is a custom monitoring device that protects your kids and entire family online. It consists of a small box that wireless connects to your router and instantly detects all of the devices on the network. That list includes video game consoles, laptops, tablets, smartphones, security cameras, smart TVs, etc. – whatever is on the network is detected by Circle. The box connects to an app, compatible with iOS or Android devices, where parents can create profiles for each member in the home. Once those profiles are created, individual settings can be created that set time limits, bedtimes, or filters by age and interest. Bedtime is a feature that automatically turns devices on or off at specific times, and can even pause when kids need to do their homework or eat dinner.

If you’re wondering, what happens outside of the home, Circle also goes beyond the home as well. That service is available through Circle Go and costs $4.95 per month for up to 10 devices. Considering all of the risks involved with being online, that’s a small price to pay to keep your children safe in this new digital world.

Circle with Disney and Circle Go are available at and

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