The Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ were revealed on February 25th at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The new flagship phone features a 5.8-inch display for the S9 and a 6.2-inch screen for the S9+. The major upgrades from the previous model are in the CPU and the camera. The S9 and S9+ feature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, which is the most powerful mobile processor to date. Samsung has a new dual aperture lens on its 12MP camera and is supposed to have much better low light performance.
As expected, the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ is not a cheap phone. The S9 starts at $799.99 and $929.99 for the S9+. You’re going to want to protect your investment. The industry leader in lightweight, rugged cases, UAG, announced the release of four case series to protect and complement Samsung’s new Galaxy S9 and S9+. These are four of the best-selling series for Samsung’s S9 and S9+. The Monarch, Plasma, Plyo, and Pathfinder Series which have all been engineered for maximum durability.
Monarch Series Case for Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+
Available in Crimson and Black
MSRP: $59.95 at UAG
- Handcrafted, feather-light construction with 5 layers of protection
- Top grain leather and alloy metal hardware
- Soft impact-resistant core & honeycomb traction grip
- Oversized tactile buttons & protective screen surround
- Compatible with Samsung Pay and Samsung Fast Wireless Charging
- Meets 2X Military drop-test standards (MIL STD 810G 516.6)
Plyo Series Case for Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+
Available in: Ice, Ash, Crimson and Glacier
MSRP: $39.95 at UAG
- Armor shell & impact resistant soft core
- Air-soft corners for cushioning impact
- Feather-light composite construction
- Oversized tactile buttons & easy access to touchscreen and ports
- Protective screen surround
- Compatible with Samsung Pay and Samsung Fast Wireless Charging
Plasma Series Case for Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+
Available in: Ice, Ash, Cobalt, and Citron
MSRP: $39.95 at UAG
- Feather-light composite construction
- Armor shell and impact resistant soft core
- Oversized tactile buttons and non-slip ruggedized grip
- Easy access to touchscreen and ports
- Scratch resistant skid pads and screen surround
- Compatible with Samsung Pay and Samsung Fast Wireless Charging
- Meets military drop-test standards (MIL STD 810G 516.6)
Pathfinder Series Case for Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+
Available in Black
MSRP: $34.95 at UAG
- Feather-light composite construction
- Armor shell and impact resistant soft core
- Oversized tactile buttons and non-slip ruggedized grip
- Easy access to touchscreen and ports
- Scratch resistant skid pads and screen surround
- Compatible with Samsung Pay and Samsung Fast Wireless Charging
- Meets military drop-test standards (MIL STD 810G 516.6)
UAG’s unique armor shell and soft impact-resistant core protects the Infinity Display, dual-pixel camera, and fingerprint sensor from scratches and crack. The slim design allows for compatibility with wireless charging and Samsung Pay. If you’re going to pull the trigger on a new S9 or S9+ and are looking for durabilty, you can’t go wrong with UAG.