40 4K Wallpapers perfect for the iPhone XS, XS Max, XR, Galaxy Note 9, S9 and S9 Plus

If you are lucky enough to have a new phone from 2018 then you have one heck of a device. All premium smartphones in 2018 have maxed out capabilities with OLED or high-definition LCD displays that have such tight resolution you can’t see pixels without using a magnifying glass. However, phones pretty much look the same and the only way to differentiate them is to personalize them with wallpapers. Wallpapers are totally free and you can swap them anytime your heart desires.

We gathered 40 4K QHD wallpapers from around the web and assembled them in a free Google Photos album for you to enjoy. We prefer Google Photos as our storage unit for photos since they can take up quite a bit of space and slow our servers down.

Feel free to peruse, join and share the public album with your friends and family. There are no ads, just ultra high-def wallpapers for you to throw onto your high-tech phone displays.

Join the album by following this link.

Here’s a small preview of what’s in the library.

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