5 of the best unlocked smartphones under $350 (2018)

5 of the best unlocked smartphones under $350 (2018)

Phone prices are getting outrageous. Top-tier phones from Samsung and Apple have moved from the $600-700 range all the way up to $1150 from the 256GB iPhone X. While the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and iPhone X are great phones, they are more than you really need, especially if the price is your most important factor in smartphone ownership. Throw in an unlimited data plan … Continue Reading >

10 Essential accessories for the Microsoft Surface Book 2

10 Essential accessories for the Microsoft Surface Book 2

Microsoft’s second rendition of the Surface Book is proof that you need to give manufacturers a little time to work out the bugs. While the first Surface Book was great in concept, the hinge and top heaviness made it a little less than ideal for portable use. With a stronger hinge, better weight distribution, better battery life, a larger screen variant, and a whole … Continue Reading >

Top battery cases for the iPhone X to keep you powered throughout the day

Top battery cases for the iPhone X to keep you powered throughout the day

Battery life is the sacrifice we make to have these such slim phones with high-resolution displays. Gone are the days where a single charge could last you multiple days. It doesn’t help that we are connected to the Internet more than ever. Carrying a portable battery is a great solution but it isn’t ideal for every situation. Portable batteries are great for traveling when … Continue Reading >

15 winter tech gadgets that are perfect for the cold weather

15 winter tech gadgets that are perfect for the cold weather

The East Coast is crazy cold right now. It’s so cold that Florida has even seen some snowfall. I grew up in Florida so the concept of snow in the Sunshine State blows my mind. The East Coast is about to be hit with a “bomb cyclone”, which basically that winter is going to be brutal. Think strong winds, snow, and subzero temperatures. Cold … Continue Reading >

5 practical accessories to keep your Nintendo Switch protected

5 practical accessories to keep your Nintendo Switch protected

You’re a lucky one if you got a new Nintendo Switch for the holidays. It’s one of the seasons hottest gifts as gamers can’t get enough of Link, Mario, Bowser, and the crew. What makes the Switch particularly unique is its ability to be used portability in addition to a plugin console. You don’t have to sacrifice processing power when going mobile with the Switch. … Continue Reading >

Top 10: Tech gear to help you reach your fitness goals

Top 10: Tech gear to help you reach your fitness goals

2018 is just around the corner. I can’t believe how fast 2017 has gone by. Late December is around the time where people start making resolutions to become a better person. My big resolution was to learn the basics of computer programming, which I successfully accomplished. If anyone is looking for someone who can make print “Hello, World!” to the screen, I’m your guy! … Continue Reading >

Got a new iPhone for Christmas? Here’s the top 10 accessories you need to enjoy it to the fullest.

Got a new iPhone for Christmas? Here’s the top 10 accessories you need to enjoy it to the fullest.

Did your good behavior earn you a nice new iPhone for Christmas? If so, you’re one lucky recipient of one of the best iPhone’s ever. The iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X are all great phones that come with more technology than ever and as such, deserve great accessories to make them shine. The newest iPhones are capable of charging without wires, can charge … Continue Reading >

These full spectrum lights can help you keep the winter blues away

These full spectrum lights can help you keep the winter blues away

Seasonal affective disorder is a real problem that affects over three million per people in the US every year. It strikes those of all ages, but is more common in adults and symptoms can include fatigue, depression, hopelessness and social withdrawal. SAD is caused when less natural sunlight is available in the late fall and winter months which is right about now. We’re going … Continue Reading >